1. Regular membership
Includes anyone that owns property within the boundaries of Panther Heights, over the age of 18. There will be only one membership per family. The dues will be $25.00 per year, January 1st to December 31st. Anyone joining after the 1st of June will
be charged $15.00, good until December 31st of that year.

2. Business membership
Includes any business that wishes to join the PHNA and meets with the Memberships approval. The charge for business memberships are:
Standard -> $50.00 per year
Advanced -> $90.00 per year, with one credit-card sized advertisement.
Bronze ----> $125.00 per year, with one quarter-page advertisement.
Silver -----> $160.00 per year, with one half-page advertisement.
Gold ------> $200.00 per year, with one page advertisement.

All advertisements are black and white print, and will be featured in each quarterly newsletter.

Color advertisements are available, with costs determined at time of placement.

Membership in Panther Heights
Homeowner Association
To become a member, contact the treasurer, Michael Serrano.
His information can be found on the "Officers" link on the home page.

2 Types of Membership